MT White Label Solutions
We provide brokers with all-inclusive MT White Label solutions that enable them to launch their own companies quickly and affordably with a custom trading platform. To provide customers with a range of hedging options, we have joined together with a number of liquidity providers. In order to manage risks and increase earnings, brokers are able to flexibly switch between the A-Book and B-Book modes as needed.
Simple And Quick Setup
Provide brokers with MT White Label Solutions that are genuinely strong and fiercely competitive, enabling them to cut expenses and launch their operations quickly.
Flexible Options Available
To accommodate brokers' evolving business demands, provide the choice of a fully-hosted Standard plan or Premium plan (including a CRM system and MT4 plugins).
Provide Personalized Services
Provide brokers with specialised solutions to meet their unique demands, which will aid various company development.
Hybrid A/B-Book
To optimise profitability, let brokers easily switch between the A-Book and B-Book models depending on the risk situation.
Support Solutions STP
Straight Through Processing (STP) mode allows brokers to connect with a variety of excellent global liquidity sources, lowering hedging costs and ensuring quick order execution.
Corporate Brand-Building
Create a professional corporate image for brokers to boost client retention and to make daily promotions and long-term growth of the business easier.